
Sunil Mehta

Sunil Mehta is NimbleCat's co-founder and CEO. Sunil has been an innovator and entrepreneur since earning his Ph.D. from Stanford University. Sunil worked for several Silicon Valley companies, including Counterpoint Computers, Convergent Technologies and Unisys, before returning to entrepreneurial roles at Guideware and NimbleCat.

Poonam Murgai

Poonam is a co-founder and Chief Operating Officer @ NimbleCat. Her responsibilities include company operations, and product and business strategy. She is a co-author on three machine learning patents, and has over twenty years of experience managing and delivering products for entrepreneurial, and large organizations. She has a bachelors from IIT Delhi and a Masters from University of Illinois. Photography is her other passion and she enjoys capturing the world around her in her free time.

David Meyer

David Meyer is a co-founder and the Chief Scientist @ NimbleCat. He has 24 years of computational linguistics experience, both in the United States and abroad, and is the innovator of NimbleCat's language engineering technologies. David holds a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Edinburgh.

David Seaver

David Seaver is a co-founder and Director of Marketing @ NimbleCat. Suspect of innumerable cases of user experience, graphic design, branding, marketing, and creative development. Considered capable of editing and copywriting, so approach with caution. Known builder of custom goggles.